Your Council

Your Council

Midhurst Town Council is the first tier of local government and operates under two tiers of  local government:  Chichester District Council and West Sussex County Council. The Town Council has fifteen members, who are elected by the public and serve a four year term, with the Chairman being elected every year. Councillors are volunteers and give their time and expertise to serve the town’s 4,914 (2011) residents.  The Town Council acts as a consultee and lobbying force with both the County and District Councils, putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community, ensuring that the local area is represented and its views made known to the other authorities.

There are four members of staff who are employees: the Town Clerk and Finance Officer, Deputy Clerk, Events and Promotions Officer, and Groundsman.

The Midhurst Town Council office is located at;

Midhurst Town Council
The Old Library
Knockhundred Row
GU29 9DQ

Some of the services and events carried out by the Town Council include:

  • Management of the cemetery
  • Management of the recreation area and skate park
  • Management of St Ann’s Hill
  • Tree planting around town
  • Street flower displays
  • Christmas street party
  • Christmas lights
  • Public seating around the town
  • Special events and markets
  • Production of the Midhurst Matters newsletter
  • MADhurst Carnival procession