
Grant Applications for 2021 are now closed

The grant application process for 2021 is now closed and applications are being reviewed by the grants committee. 


If you are a local community group, charity or not-for-profit organisation and you wish to apply for a grant from the town council, our 2021 round of grant applications is now open. Individuals are also welcome to apply if they meet the necessary application criteria.

In previous years we have held 2 rounds of grant funding. In 2021 we are holding one round, which will close for applications on 31st August.

In previous years Midhurst Town Council have awarded grants of varying amounts, to local groups, for a range of projects and initiatives. Some of the more recent grants that have been awarded are as follows;

  • An £800 grant was awarded to Homestart to provide support to disadvantaged families in Midhurst.
  • A £400 grant was awarded to the South Pond Group, for tools and equipment to increase the scope of their maintenance work.
  • A £1,261 grant was awarded to West Sussex MIND to install a summerhouse on their grounds to allow for one-to-one appointments for those suffering with their mental health.
  • A £3,000 grant was awarded to Rother Valley Together  for their continued work in the community for elderly and/or lonely and vulnerable residents.

For more information or for a grants application form please email Julian Quail at